Mental Illness in Children

Mental Illness in Children: Know the Signs


Children can experience the same mental health disorders as adults. Recognize danger signs and ways that you can assist.

It might be challenging for parents to identify mental illness in their kids.. Consequently, a large number of kids who would benefit from therapy do not receive the assistance they require. Learn to see the early warning signs of mental illness in kids and how to support your child.

What is a mental illness?

Mental wellness is the state of being in which your thoughts, emotions, and behavior are all under control. A mental health problem, often known as a mental disease, is characterized by thought, mood, or behavior patterns or changes that interfere with an individual’s capacity to function or create discomfort.

The broad definition of mental health issues in children is any delay or disturbance in the development of thinking, acting, socializing, or emotion management in accordance with age. Children find these issues upsetting and find it difficult for them to perform successfully at home, at school, or in other social settings.

Barriers to treating childhood mental health disorders

Since normal childhood development is a process that involves change, understanding mental health concerns in children can be challenging. Furthermore, a kid may not be able to articulate their feelings or the reasons for their behavior, and the symptoms of a condition may vary based on the child’s age.

Parents may be discouraged from getting help for a kid who appears to be suffering from a mental disorder due to other reasons. Parental concerns may include the usage of pharmaceuticals, the stigma attached to mental illness, the expense of treatment, or the practical difficulties involved.

Common disorders among children

The following are examples of developmental problems that are treated by mental health specialists, or Child Psychologist:

· Anxiety Conditions

Children with anxiety disorders have chronic worries, anxieties, or worry that interferes with their ability to play, attend school, or interact with others in age-appropriate social circumstances. Diagnoses encompass obsessive-compulsive disorders, generalized anxiety, and social anxiety.


ADHD stands for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Children with ADHD struggle with attention, impulsive behaviors, hyperactivity, or a combination of these issues more than typical kids their age.

· Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

A neurological illness known as Autism Spectrum Disorder often first manifests in early childhood, before the age of three. A kid diagnosed with ASD experiences difficulties connecting and communicating with others, even if the disorder’s severity varies.

· Eating Problems

An obsession with an ideal body type disordered thinking about weight and weight reduction, and unhealthy eating and dieting practices are all considered symptoms of eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder are examples of eating disorders that can cause serious health problems, emotional and social dysfunction, and even death.

· Depression

Depression is characterized by enduring melancholy and disinterest that interfere with a child’s capacity to learn and socialize. Deep mood swings, ranging from deep despair to strong emotional or behavioral highs that may be hazardous, risky, or unprotected, are a symptom of bipolar illness.


PTSD stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Prolonged anxiety, disturbing memories, nightmares, and disruptive behaviors brought on by violence, abuse, injury, or other traumatic experiences are symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

· Schizophrenia

A person suffering from Schizophrenia may experience psychosis, or a loss of reality, due to abnormalities in perception and mental processes. Schizophrenia often manifests in late adolescence or early adulthood and causes hallucinations, delusions, and abnormal thoughts and actions.

Signs of mental illness in children

Here are several red flags that your child could be suffering from a mental health issue:

  • Grief that doesn’t go away for at least two weeks
  • Removing oneself from or avoiding social situations
  • Injuring oneself or discussing oneself injurious
  • Speaking about suicide or death
  • Temper tantrums or excessive irritation
  • Uncontrollable conduct that may be detrimental
  • significant changes in personality, conduct, or mood
  • A shift in eating patterns
  • Loss of mass
  • Inability to fall asleep Often having headaches or stomachaches
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Alterations in scholastic achievement
  • Avoiding or missing school

What should you do if you think your child may be suffering from a mental illness?

Visit a Child Psychologist if you have concerns about your child’s mental health. Explain the actions that worry you. See whether anybody else who looks after your child—teacher, close friends, family, or other caregivers—has seen any changes in your child’s behavior. Give this information to the Child Psychologist treating your kid.

How does Child Psychologist diagnose mental illness in children?

Children’s mental health disorders are identified and managed in accordance with their symptoms, signs, and how the illness impacts their day-to-day activities. Child Psychologist may establish a diagnosis. The assessment may comprise:

  • Full medical examination
  • Medical background
  • Past occurrences of mental or bodily trauma
  • Physical and mental health history in the family Review of symptoms and overall concerns with parents
  • A timeline of the developmental stages of a kid
  • History of academia
  • Conversation with parents
  • Talking with the child and observing the child
  • Questionnaires and standardized tests for parents and kids

Since normal development differs and young children may struggle to understand or articulate their experiences, diagnosing mental illness in children can be a time-consuming process. Over time, the medical professional treating your kid may adjust or clarify a diagnosis.

How is pediatric mental health disorders treated?

For kids with mental health issues, common therapy options include:

· Psychoanalysis

Talk therapy and behavior therapy are additional names for Psychotherapy. Speaking with a Child Psychologist about psychotherapy is one strategy to treat mental health issues. Psychotherapy for young children may involve games or playtime, as well as discussion about the experiences that arise from playing. Children and teenagers acquire new habits and coping mechanisms, as well as how to talk about and respond to their thoughts and feelings, throughout psychotherapy.

· Medicine

As part of the treatment plan, your child’s physician or mental health specialist may prescribe a prescription, such as a stimulant, antidepressant, anxiety medicine, antipsychotic, or mood stabilizer. Your child’s doctor will go over the advantages, disadvantages, and dangers of medication therapies.

How can I support my child in managing their mental health?

In order to support your child’s treatment plan, you have to be crucial.

  • Study up on the disease.
  • Think about family counseling where each member is seen as a collaborator in the course of treatment.
  • See your kid’s mental health provider for guidance on how to deal with challenging behavior and how to react to your child.
  • Participate in parent education programs; they are especially beneficial for parents whose children suffer from mental illness.
  • Examine stress-reduction strategies to enable you to react composedly.
  • Look for methods to unwind and enjoy yourself with your kid.
  • Highlight your child’s accomplishments and talents.
  • Collaborate with your child’s school to get the help they need.


If you are seeking a Child Psychologist for your child and looking for the “Best Psychologist in India” you can choose TalktoAngel. It is an online counselling platform that helps to identify the mental illness and provide personalized treatment for the betterment of the child and their future.





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